David Prowse
He was the guy behind the mask and a dominating presence. In the original ‘Star Wars’ trilogy, British actor and bodybuilder David Prowse (July 1, 1935-November 28, 2020) introduced Darth Vader’s character, giving the Dark Lord of the Sith a menacing yet graceful appearance. A three-time U.K. heavyweight champion in competitive weightlifting circles, the 6’6″ Prowse got to play Frankenstein’s monster and used his heft as a bodyguard in Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange.”

David Prowse
Tony Hsieh
Internet businessman Tony Hsieh (December 12, 1973-November 27, 2020) never dreamed that he would become the head of the Zappos online shoe retailer located in Las Vegas. In 2010, he told Sunday Morning, “I used to wear one pair of shoes for two years until there were holes in it and it was falling apart, and then buy another pair.” But Zappos was elevated to one of the most popular online distribution companies ever by his creative business practices.

Tony Hsieh