H.W. Bush’s Big Accomplishments
Cold War and first Gulf War ended during H.W. Bush’s presidency, while the Berlin Wall was demolished during his administration. Furthermore, he deserves credit for groundbreaking legislation such as the Clean Air Act, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. He also holds the record for the longest presidential marriage, which lasted 73 years and was the longest in American history.

H.W. Bush’s Big Accomplishments
George H.W. Bush’s Death
Bush had been battling vascular Parkinson’s disease for many years when he died on November 30, 2018, just seven months after his wife, Barbara, passed away. Bush had been suffering from the disease for many years. The president passed away in 2006, making him the first president to pass away in 12 years. The last president to pass away was Gerald Ford in 2006.

George H.W. Bush’s Death