McKinley’s Assassination
President William McKinley was shot twice in the abdomen on September 6, 1901, at the Temple of Music in Bufflo, New York, by Leon Czolgosz, a self-described anarchist who claimed responsibility for the attack. McKinley died eight days after being shot in the head. Observers noted that this episode was rather ironic in light of the fact that President McKinley had been persuaded twice previously not to proceed with this same trip out of fear of something like this occurring to him.

McKinley’s Assassination
Grover Cleveland – 144
Grover Cleveland has an IQ of 144, which places him close to the top half of all presidents in terms of intelligence. Despite the fact that Grover Cleveland spent two terms as president, they were not consecutive terms. He ran for re-election after his first term and was defeated, but he eventually won a second term as a result of conservatives’ enthusiasm for his policy. During Cleveland’s second term, he dealt with the Panic of 1893 as well as the Pullman Strike of 1894, both of which were events that affected the entire country. Cleveland’s biographer had the following to say about him: “The qualities that distinguished him were: honesty, courage, firmness, independence, and common sense. However, he possessed them in a way that other men did not “….. Many people believe that Cleveland was one of America’s greatest presidents, despite the fact that his second term was less successful than his first.

Grover Cleveland