Andrew Jackson’s Inauguration Party
There was something about Andrew Jackson that made people think he was just another regular guy. Immediately following his inauguration ceremony, a party was held in the executive house, but things quickly got out of hand when a large number of people showed up and rummaged through the kitchen after having too much to drink.

Andrew Jacksons Inauguration Party
Dwight D. Eisenhower – 145.1
In office from 1953 to 1961, Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower served as the nation’s 34th president. Desegregation of the army was one of the most popular things he accomplished during his administration, which was something that Truman had put in place and that Eisenhower had to reverse. As a result, he rose to become one of the most well-liked and respected presidents in history. Did you know he has an IQ of 145.1?

Dwight D. Eisenhower