Fifteen Children
Among his numerous firsts during his presidency, John Tyler was the first president to have as many as 15 children, making him the first president to have that many. They were born over a 45-year period to two different moms, resulting in a total of four children. During his first marriage to Lettia Tyler, he had eight children, and he had seven children with his second wife, Julia Gardiner.

Fifteen Children
Millard Fillmore – 149
Fillmore, the final president linked with the Whig party, was born into a low-income family, but he had a strong education that allowed him to rise to the positions of vice president and eventually president. Fillmore was elected President of the United States in 1850, following the death of Zachary Taylor from cholera. When Fillmore was elected president, every member of his government resigned, and he was forced to form a completely new cabinet. He enacted the 1850 Compromise in the hopes of alleviating some of the tensions between the northern and southern states, but it did not function as well as he had planned. At the time, Japan was the only country with whom they could connect successfully, and they did not have many other countries with which to converse.

Millard Fillmore