The Only Bachelor
According to the available records, James Buchanan is the only president to have never married a wife, out of all 45 presidents. He never went into great depth about why he had never married anyone, but it’s possible that it was because he was too preoccupied with his political work to think about anything else.

The Only Bachelor
Zachary Taylor – 139.8
Even though Zachary Taylor had a moniker that means “Old Rough and Ready” you’d think he’d be prepared for anything. However, we have a feeling he wasn’t prepared for his brief tenure in the White House. Prior to becoming president, he was a decorated combat hero with a memorable moniker. A member of the Whig party, he was the party’s last presidential candidate to be elected. His administration, which began in March 1849, was characterized by a strong emphasis on slavery. Despite the fact that he held slaves of his own, his political ideas were more anti-slavery than pro-slavery in nature. During his presidency, he was successful in convincing both New Mexico and California to secede and become independent states. Taylor, unfortunately, died in July 1850 as a result of Cholera.

Zachary Taylor