Something’s Not Right In About This Cat’s Babies, What Could It Be?

Published on 02/24/2021

A Wild Animal

The firefighters do not know what creatures are crying below. It may be domestic animals that have a low survival rate. If it is that kind of animal, they need to act fast since it will not survive in the sewer’s cold temperature. However, if it is a wild animal, they might have a higher chance that the baby animals are still alive.

A Wild Animal

A Wild Animal


Out Of Harm

To avoid transferring the human scent to the baby animals, the firefighter decides to put on a glove. Some animals will abandon their babies if they have a human’s scent, or worse, they will even kill them. To prevent the babies from harm, they wore protective gear. Another member has prepared a sheet to be wrapped on the little creature.

Out Of Harm

Out Of Harm