Something’s Not Right In About This Cat’s Babies, What Could It Be?

Published on 02/24/2021

They All Loved Her

The whole staff always watches Musya. The workers are happy that Musya became healthy again. The cat starts to run throughout the whole room for the whole day. However, the staff knows that it is not the right place for Musya to live. Cats want to explore different environments. There are times that Musya takes a look in the window. There is an incident that zookeepers forget to close the door where Musya takes the chance to escape. 

They All Loved Her

They All Loved Her


She Got Out Of There

Alice always takes Musya for a short stroll around the zoo for less than a year. Everything the zookeeper takes, Musya, she will put a leash on the cat. Alice is scared that the cat will get hurt when it accidentally goes to an enclosure. However, Everyone does not know what to do when they discover Musya is not in the room. They try to locate the cat for two days and hope that the cat’s life is not in peril.

She Got Out Of There

She Got Out Of There