20+ Style Mistakes That Are Still Being Made Today

Published on 08/09/2022

Clothing Sets

Clothing sets often come in plastic packaging that you might see in a department store. You’ll see sets of shirts, ties, and sometimes pocket squares rolled into one. The first problem is the colors – box sets usually come in mismatched combinations that offer little versatility. You’ll see bright shades of blue and red paid for with similar ties. Second, they are almost always made from inferior materials.

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Clothing Sets


Not Knowing The Difference Between Sport Shirts & Dress Shirts

A men’s shirt differs from a sports shirt, although sometimes the differences are subtle. Dress shirts tend to be simpler in design and have stiffer collars. They are suitable for formal occasions. Athletic shirts, on the other hand, can have bolder patterns and a wider range of fabrics. Athletic shirts – designed to be open – are typically 2.75 inches shorter. Is there any way to store these? Absolutely – never leave shirts unbuttoned or you’ll look like you’re wearing a dress.

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Not Knowing The Difference Between Sport Shirts & Dress Shirts