Expert Turned Pale After Seeing The Strange Egg A Girl Found Under Her Bed

Published on 04/20/2023

Oscar Couldn’t Believe It

But this simply made Oscar’s side of the situation more confused! Not only was this his home, but didn’t he care more about it than the expert did? Hilly has now also joined. She politely inquired about the situation and asked if they could help because she was a little more composed than Oscar. But his response would just make them more anxious…

Oscar Couldn't Believe It

Oscar Couldn’t Believe It



To this, the expert reacted more favorably. He looked worriedly in Lily’s direction, apparently trying to communicate with the parents. Despite his best efforts, he was only barely able to find the correct words. He stumbled over his words and stutter-fumbled. Were these eggs actually so strange or harmful?

