Michelle Forbes
In her youth, Michelle Forbes dreamt of becoming a ballet dancer. However, things changed when she auditioned and failed to land the part in a film. In 1987, she launched her acting career. You might have seen her in movies, TV shows, and soap operas! She decided to turn down the role in Deep Space Nine because the actress wanted to focus on more movies instead of TV shows.

Michelle Forbes
Gates Mcfadden as Beverly Crusher
It feels like every lead guy in the show needs a love interest. For Captain Picard, this came in the form of the fiery Dr. Beverly Crusher. She was the chief medical officer on the USS Enterprise-D. A widow, her late husband was his best friend. They had feelings for each other, but the situation made it difficult. She was a chill individual who could keep herself in conflict. She was also known as “the dancing doctor.”

Gates Mcfadden As Beverly Crusher