Adored By Trek Fans
When asked about the respect and affection that her fans have for her, she said, “It’s staggering. It’s an all-day-long love-fest, really. People come up to you and tell you, in 100 different ways, what they saw, what they remember, what they appreciated and, in essence, they’re telling you that they love you. It’s a wonderful feeling.” She said, “What I remember about it was being nine months pregnant and running around the hills of Vazquez Rocks (outside of Los Angeles), which is now overrun with housing developments. I just thought it was another show, but it will go on long beyond either of us, beyond any of us.”

Adored By Trek Fans
Ashley Judd as Ensign Robin Lefler
Are you surprised to find her on the list? The truth is that Ashley Judd was in two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It allowed her to make a name for herself in Hollywood. She played Ensign Lefler, a 24th-century Starfleet officer, and engineer. She got her first kiss on-camera with Wil Wheaton! The actress then went on to star in Sisters. The rest is history!

Ashley Judd As Ensign Robin Lefler