Couple Welcome Triplets But Doctor Was Puzzled About One Of The Babies

Published on 12/19/2019

Adopting Children

The agency was quick to find kids for the Halberts. They clearly made the correct decision. They fell in love with two kids in the end, a boy and girl of African-American descent. They could not choose and decided to adopt both of them. They adopted Ford and Catherine, making it clear that race would have a huge part in the family. Of course, the couple also wondered what challenges would come their way as a racially diverse family. Despite everything, they knew that they could handle whatever happens.

Adopting Children

Adopting Children


Their Options

Soon after adopting the kids, they had another discussion. Aaron and Rachel wanted more kids! Their new kids kept them busy, however, so it might not be the best possible time. However, they took it to be a sign when they ran into a friend who encouraged them to check out embryo adoption. The couple did their homework and read up on the topic. They have never heard of it prior to that moment.

Their Options

Their Options