What was life like in the Old West?

Published on 11/20/2024

Questionable practices

It is important to remember that we are talking about the transition from the 19th to the 20th century. At that time, the Old West was a region in its infancy. Because of this, there was still no consensus on the best treatments and medical practices.

Practicas Cuestionables

Questionable practices

Even today, there are many questionable practices, even though we have more research and knowledge about medicine. However, in the Old West, questionable practices such as bleeding and removal of human body parts were still used.


Strong purification

In addition to the methods we have already mentioned, there were other interesting practices. Doctors of the Wild West understood that diseases were things that should literally get out of our bodies.

Purgantes Fuertes

Strong cleansing

As a result, the use of strong laxatives to treat various health complications has been widespread. In some cases, the prescription of laxatives has even resulted in the death of patients who sought medical attention.