What was life like in the Old West?

Published on 11/20/2024

Lemon for scurvy

Although there was little evidence of its effectiveness, people in the Old West used natural cures. One of these was the use of lemon juice to treat scurvy.

Limon Para El Escorbuto

Lemon for scurvy

A disease that has always been associated with the reality of sailors, in some cases it was fatal. Many of these sailors suffered from scurvy and had to suck on lemon as their only option to consume vitamin C.


Lack of toilet paper

Toilet paper was one of the first inventions in the personal hygiene sector. There is evidence that its use began to spread in China, around the 6th century AD, but toilet paper was not used in the Old West.

No Habia Papel Higienico

There was no toilet paper

Instead, people wiped themselves with anything else, such as grass or corn cobs. While it is really an essential product today, in those days commercial toilet paper did not exist.