These Woodstock Photographs Will Make You Want To Go Back In 1969

Published on 11/19/2020

Anything Goes

Usually, individuals are free to wear anything they want to concerts and festivals. Although most folks at Woodstock chose the tie-dye style, some ended up taking the chance to stand out and send out a message. Do you believe that at the moment, he had been under the influence of drugs? Who knows what statement this guy intended to communicate, even but we’d have to acknowledge that his imagination and devotion amuse us.

Anything Goes

Anything Goes


Hugs For All

A photographer snapped this picture as yet another morning was breaking out on the festival site. As they share a common blanket, it shows the two locked in an embrace. They have been hardly the only ones huddled up during Woodstock for comfort! Mostly during the event, the resting arrangements were genuinely something else.

Hugs For All

Hugs For All