Rotten Tomatoes Say That These Are The Top 30 Worst Films Of All Time

Published on 10/20/2022

6. Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) – Rating: 0%

I find it difficult to see how anyone could find a movie about talking babies entertaining. Beyond that, how in the world did the first film succeed in drawing in a large enough audience to warrant a follow-up? In Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2, a team of bright young children band together to take on a villain. The media tycoon, played by Jon Voight, is committed to influencing children’s minds. How can a bunch of babies stop a grown man from achieving his evil plan? Both you and I have no interest in learning the answer. This movie has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes for a reason.

6. Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) - Rating: 0%

6. Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) – Rating: 0%


5. Pinocchio (2002) – Rating: 0%

This Italian movie, which was helmed by Roberto Benigni, ought to have never been released. It is alarming that someone felt it was a good idea to bring Pinocchio to life since the figure is already disturbing. The title role in Benigni’s Pinocchio is portrayed by the director himself. Yes, a balding adult portrays a young boy. The movie is not only incredibly spooky but also painfully dull. It is very puzzling how a director and actor with an Oscar nomination and win can create such a horrible piece of work.

5. Pinocchio (2002) - Rating: 0%

5. Pinocchio (2002) – Rating: 0%