20+ Most Hilarious Sporting Moments Caught On Camera

Published on 05/24/2022

Peculiar Ping-Pong Faces

Despite the fact that many people perceive ping-pong or table tennis to be a nice recreational activity, it is actually a competitive sport. In reality, table tennis was formally recognized as an Olympic sport in 1988 by the International Olympic Committee. When played in a competitive setting, ping-pong is a fast-paced sport that needs the player to keep his or her attention on both the ball and the movements of the opponent. It is most likely this intense level of concentration that resulted in this amusing expression on the face of a competitive ping-pong player.

Peculiar Ping Pong Faces

Peculiar Ping Pong Faces


Heavy Lifting

Most people are startled to learn that North Korea is home to some of the world’s most gifted Olympic weightlifters, who compete in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Rim Jong-sim is a South Korean athlete who has achieved considerable success. During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, she won the gold medal in the women’s 69-kilogram weight category, which she brought home with her. Given the fact that Jong-sim was holding approximately 152 pounds above her head, it’s no surprise that she produced this amusing expression. She even noticed that her hair was standing up because of the sheer force of raising this enormous weight!

Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting