New Party Tricks
Hockey players aren’t exactly recognized for having beautiful smiles, and this is especially true of their opponents. The use of a mouth guard or other kind of facial protection is optional for some players, but many simply accept that broken or lost teeth are an unavoidable aspect of the game. Rogue pucks, collisions with aggressive players, and ill-fated exchanges with hockey sticks are all too regular occurrences in this sport, and tooth injuries is no exception. Fortunately, this hockey player has transformed his injuries into a unique and entertaining party act for his friends.

New Party Tricks
Move it or Lose It!
Some games, such as basketball, are not for those who are easily intimidated. During these intense games, it is possible for participants to get physically aggressive with one another. Allisha Gray, an American basketball player competing in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, had no qualms about pushing her Japanese opponent out of the way during this especially intense contest. While some may consider Gray’s actions to be aggressive, they were important in the United States capturing the victory in the basketball game versus Japan.

Move It Or Lose It!