Dragon Fruit
This feisty little fruit may look prickly on the outside, but is filled with fruity loveliness on the inside. Dragon fruit is actually bursting with nutrients, protein, antioxidants, vitamins B and C, phytonutrients, calcium, iron, antioxidants, carotene and polyunsaturated (good) fatty acid. The tropical delight tastes delicious and contains a phytochemical called captin, which can help boost your immune system. Dragon fruit is also a popular ingredient in medicines to help alleviate heart problems.

Dragon Fruit
These patchy green heroes may look tiny, but they are bursting with nutrients, antioxidants, good fats and plant sterols. These can all help keep your heart in tip-top shape. Pistachios are also loaded with protein, potassium and as an added plus, they are cholesterol free.
