Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Published on 08/01/2019

Utility Knife Cap

This may come as a surprise, but that plastic cap at the end of your utility knife actually serves a pretty important purpose. If you pull it out, you may find that it’s attached to something. That something is part of a brand new knife; from here, you just break off the plastic edge and wallah, you have a new and improved sharp knife!

Utility Knife Cap

Utility Knife Cap


Stapler Plates

Did you know metal plate on your stapler has a name? Yep! It’s called an anvil, and if you turn your stapler upside down you can adjust it by spinning the wheel until it lines back up with the square it sits on. This setting is for a “temporary staple”, and will push the arms of your staple outward instead of inwards, making it easier to pull out the staple later. Good to know!

Stapler Plates

Stapler Plates