Amelia Earhart
The story of Amelia Earhart is a famous one. She is even considered one of the best aviators in history. In 1937, she disappeared in the middle of her attempt to circumnavigate the world via plane. There is more to this story. Most people do not know that the plane did not just vanish into thin air. For days, naval ships received radio transmissions from the aviator for days after she landed on a tiny island in the Pacific. She did not have enough fuel to go on. A few days after the signals stopped, the U.S. Navy deployed aircraft to fly over the area. They wrote off the transmissions as hoaxes since they did not see people or planes from up above. No one went to the island then. These days, a dig on the island recovered artifacts from those days. It is now believed that she actually survived for months. They did not find her body, but that might have to do with the coconut crabs. These creatures eat entire animals!

Amelia Earhart
Glenn Miller
When the United States entered the Second World War, Glenn Miller served in the Army even though he was much older than the draft age. As a musician, he joined the band and performed to improve the morale of the soldiers. It was pretty common during the war. In December 1944, he had been on the way to perform for troops in France when the plane went missing in the English Channel. For a long time, the most popular theory was that the plane was bombed by Allied forces by accident. New evidence points to the fact that the fuel intake froze over and caused the engine to stop working. The plane then plummeted into the sea.

Glenn Miller