Dennis Rodman: Political Ambassador
Dennis Rodman is an NBA icon who just loves getting attention, thus his boisterous personality. He has stayed in the spotlight even after his retirement from the league. Although Dennis Rodman has avoided getting a 9-5 job, his career path after the NBA is so strange that we couldn’t help but include it here. After leaving the NBA, he tried going into professional wrestling, but when he couldn’t do it anymore, he tried another job – political ambassador. In 2013, he went to North Korea for the first time and when he got back, he said that Kim Jong Un was a “friend for life.” He went on another North Korean trip in 2017.

Dennis Rodman: Political Ambassador
Latrell Sprewell: Commercial Actor
Latrell Sprewell has always been controversial. He was considered a superstar in the league while he was still playing in the NBA. However, his professional career was marred when he attacked the Warriors coach P.J. Carlesimo in 1997. After his retirement in 2005, he had some bad karma when his yacht crashed and his house (that cost him millions) was foreclosed. After all that, he appeared in a Priceline commercial. In the ad, you will see him admit to making some bad decisions. We sure hope that he has, indeed, learned his lessons.

Latrell Sprewell: Commercial Actor