Adrian Dantley: School Crossing Guard
Adrian Dantley had an amazing career in the NBA that went on for 15 long years. He did not only record some 23,000 points, but he was also inducted into the Hall of Fame. Dantley had worked as a coach before finally leaving the NBA in 2010. He, later on, became a crossing guard at a school. This job is obviously not as illustrious as his last one and the salary is also one of the lowest ($14,000 a year), so it is safe to say that the pay is not Dantley’s motivation for taking the job. He has mentioned that he likes helping people. We think it’s good that he gets to do what he likes and it seems like the job’s health benefits are not too bad either.

Adrian Dantley: School Crossing Guard
Detleft Schrempf: Business Development Officer
Detlef Schrempf majored in International Business in college and he put this degree to good use after playing in the NBA for 16 years. He became Coldstream Capital Management’s business development officer. Aside from working at his 9-5 job, he has also dabbed in acting. He got a recurring role on the popular show Parks and Recreation.

Detleft Schrempf: Business Development Officer