Michael Chapman
Cinematographer Michael Chapman (November 21, 1935-September 20, 2020) received an education as the camera operator on classics such as “The Godfather,” “Klute,” and “Jaws,” as well as gritty indie films such as “Husbands.” of John Cassavetes. As director of photography on “The Last Detail,” Hal Ashby brought to his wistful story of military police escorting a prisoner a documentary-style realism.

Michael Chapman
Rev. Robert Graetz
The Rev. Robert Graetz (May 16, 1928-September 20, 2020), pictured right, was the White pastor of a Black congregation at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Montgomery, Ala. in the 1950s, when, after the arrest of Rosa Parks, the African American group organized a boycott of public buses in the area. In his 2006 memoir, “A White Preacher’s Message on Race and Reconciliation,” Rev. Graetz wrote, “I have always contended that the absence of fear is not the point. What you do when you are afraid is what makes the difference.”

Rev. Robert Graetz