Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15, 1933-September 18, 2020) was diminutive, but as a strong liberal voice on the country’s highest court, she loomed largely. Despite several bouts of cancer, her standing as one of the most important liberal voices on the court and her persistence inspired generations of women. It earned her comic portrayals on “Saturday Night Live” and a tongue-in-cheek moniker: “The Notorious RBG.”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Winston Groom
Winston Groom (March 23, 1943-September 17, 2020), a journalist and author, was best known for his picaresque 1986 book, “Forrest Gump,” about a slow-witted mathematical scholar whose life trajectory placed him directly at the core of some of the most significant events in America, crossing paths with the wealthy, famous and infamous.

Winston Groom