Something’s Not Right In About This Cat’s Babies, What Could It Be?

Published on 02/24/2021

She Was Different

Several weeks have passed after Musya returns to the zoo. The workers recognize that Musya’s behavior suddenly changes. They discover that Musya is not lively anymore. Before the feline escapes from its room, Musya is playful and adorable. However, when they leave the room open, Musya does not want to go outside anymore. What happened to their gentle feline?

She Was Different

She Was Different


Something Was Up

People think that it is not the same cat that they know. If Musya decides to go out of the room, the feline will only lie on the floor. People started to realize that Musya is acting differently. Alice immediately noticed the attitude of her pet cat. However, she does not have any idea why her cat is acting that way. The zookeeper thinks that Musya is not fascinated to go outside anymore. Everybody is confused.

Something Was Up

Something Was Up