Something’s Not Right In About This Cat’s Babies, What Could It Be?

Published on 02/24/2021

She Went Missing Again

 At one point, Alice decides to visit her pet cat, Musya, while she will also get a cup of tea. However, after arriving at the staffroom, Alice cannot find her pet cat. Musya is nowhere to be seen again. Unfortunately, the weather is not good. Not only is the rain heavy, but there are also still thunders that are creating loud sounds.

She Went Missing Again

She Went Missing Again


They Looked For Her

The whole staff agreed to find Musya, and they needed to act fast. Everybody gets a flashlight and goes to the places that the cat can hide. They search for every location of the zoo. Workers try to look on the spot that is their favorite spot of the cat, but there is no evidence that Musya is in that place. The staff also tried to listen to voices hoping that they could hear the cry of Musya. The zookeepers pray that the keep is still on the premises.

They Looked For Her

They Looked For Her