Movies That Spelled The End Of These High-Profile Celebrity Marriages

Published on 01/28/2021

The Misfits – Marilyn Monroe And Arthur Miller

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were four years into their marriage when they worked together on The Misfits. Sadly, the pressures of the project had been too much for them. The playwright wrote it as a way to help her career. However, the actress did not enjoy his blatant sexism and constant rewrite. In “The Passion and the Paradox,” a biography about her, she alleged that the movie’s most interesting characters went to the male stars. Aside from that, they spent months in the Nevada desert. Her health was also on the decline at the time. They eventually divorced. The movie was the last one that both Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable did before they passed away. The actor died twelve days after filming it, while she passed away a year after its release. Some critics that she gave her best film performance here.

The Misfits - Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller

The Misfits – Marilyn Monroe And Arthur Miller


Daredevil – Jennifer Garner

In 2002, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner started to film Daredevil. At the time, both of them were in committed relationships with other people. He was engaged to Jennifer Lopez back then, while she was still married to Scott Foley. Neither of them has admitted to having a relationship on the set, but the actor confirmed that they fell in love while working together on the superhero movie. “That’s where I found my wife,” Affleck shared, “We met on Pearl Harbor, which people hate, but we fell in love on Daredevil.” A year after the movie came out in February 2003, he broke up with JLo. Two months after that, Garner filed for divorce. In October 2004, they made their first public appearance as a couple at a Red Sox game.

Daredevil- Jennifer Garner

Daredevil – Jennifer Garner