This is also one food that is rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that helps improve eyesight. Not only that, carrots also have a lot of carotenoids which are antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease by eliminating free radicals. Aside from that, carrots are also filled with other vitamins like vitamin K and C. All these awesome nutrients help reduce the risk of cancer, develop healthy bones and minimize build-up of amino acids linked to heart disease.

Chicken can be prepared in many different ways: stir-fried, baked, grilled and roasted. It can go well with any other dish, well maybe not for cereals, or chocolate cake, so we don’t recommend that. However, among all other kinds of meat, chicken is one of the leanest. It also has lesser saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat. All these things makes it a popular protein source among health conscious individuals.
