These purple goodies are great when grilled or baked, but they also make an awesome side dish base. Eggplants are rich in nasunin, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This can only mean that these delicious superfoods also improve blood circulation, reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease, and prevent blood clots. Not only that, eggplants are also quite beneficial for the brain, avoiding any cell membrane damage, and by reducing the risk of cancer.

Some kids may not like it when they are told to finish their broccoli by their parents, but this vegetable is actually filled with nutritious goodness that can help your heart stay healthy. If this is not reason enough to fill our pastas, stir-fries, and salads with this vegetable, then you should also know that it can help lower blood cholesterol level as well as maintain healthy blood vessels. This green superstar has sulforaphane, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that helps prevent long-term health problems which are related to high levels of blood sugar.
