Quinoa is often used to give a more delicious twist to some cooked dishes and salads. It has almost two times the amount of fiber in comparison to other grains. This superfood is a good source of minerals, antioxidants, and all of the necessary amino acids. Quinoa is even ideal for those who want to lose some weight. It’s also great at improving blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It can lower blood pressure, prevent diabetes and promote a healthy heart.

Popeye was on to something when he showed us that his superpowers come from eating spinach. In fact, if you want to be healthy, you don’t even need a full cup! You just need half of it to give you the necessary amount of vitamin K, five times over! Spinach amazingly helps develop stronger bones, and prevents blood clot formation. Moreover, spinach makes pasta even tastier. It can also make salad more interesting, not to mention that it’s high in lutein, folate, fiber and potassium. So, it’s more than safe to say that this green super vegetable can help protect your heart.
