Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts might be the stuff of childhood nightmares for some of you, but don’t let your childhood fears looks hold you back. In fact, these green power balls are actually packed with nutrition and taste delicious. Brussel sprouts are actually part of the cruciferous family, so they are loaded with glucosinolates, protein, iron and potassium. The healthy sprouts are therefore a great way to detox, fight cancel and give our overall heart health a mighty boost.

Brussel Sprouts
These spicy, heart-healthy nibbles are make a delicious snack any time of day. Olives can also add flavor to any pizza, pasta or salad. Not only that, they are also loaded with special monounsaturated fata, antioxidants and nutrients. Together, these can all help aid weightloss, give your good cholesterol a boost and prevent the risk of heart disease.
