Throughout the ages, this exotic wonder spice has been added to traditional medicines and is commonly known for its’ overall health benefits. Research has also revealed that cinnamon is one of the tastiest and healthiest spices available. That’s because each grain is packed with fiber, calcium and manganese. These can all help regulate your glucose levels, reduce cholesterol, improve your cognition and reduce the overall risk of heart disease.

Edamame beans are packed with nutrition might be the healthiest and most addictive snack around. Seriously, a bowl of edamame is that addictive that you might even forget you’re still snacking. The green beans are a great addition to a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet. They are also bursting with pant protein and folate, as well as fiber and cholesterol-lowering phytosterols. This means the soy protein inside the beans can help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
