Lentils’ benefits are not just limited to spicing our favorite salad or dish, they also keep our heart healthy. Based on research, those whose diet is composed mostly of legumes like lentils or beans are less likely to suffer from stroke or heart disease. Not only that. Lentils are also great sources of potassium, magnesium, and protein. All of which are known for their ability to reduce plaque formation in the blood vessels, lower blood pressure and decrease cholesterol levels.

Almonds are without a doubt one of the most delicious members of the nut family. According to studies, almonds have high levels of nutrients that help boost memory and intelligence. They also reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease by decreasing the cholesterol level in the body. Additionally, almonds contain a high level of sterols which prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol called LDL. Almonds also minimize the chances of developing heart disease.
