Not only is Tumeric flavorful and perfect for curry, it also has a lot of health benefits. For many centuries, its medicinal properties have been enjoyed by people in the east, but these days it has also become famous in the west for its flavor and health benefits. Based on research studies, tumeric has a component called curcumin that blocks cardiac hypertrophy or, as commonly known, heart enlargement. Tumeric is also great at preventing obesity, keeping blood vessels healthy, maintaining normal blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are great both as a delicious fruit as well as a smoothie topper. They are also among the healthiest superfoods in the world. They are great sources of nutrients like protein, fiber, omega-3 and antioxidants. Its low caloric content also helps decrease the cholesterol level and the risk of developing many diseases. Aside from all that, they can also help you maintain a healthy heart – naturally.

Chia Seeds