96-Year-Old Sells House After 7 Decades, Realtors Are In For A Surprise

Published on 11/24/2019

Honing Her Talents

Her two-floor house was one of her outlets for her creativity. She had all the pleasure to decorate it to the fulfillment of her heart! On moments when she has time to do things other than sewing, one would find her designer her house with whatever she prefers. She put in much effort to transform her simple accommodation into something comparable to a 5-star hotel without spending as much. Her aesthetic genius and being resourceful was her key to be successful in this area and now her previously simple home has become extremely valuable. There was only one thing that made her house reach this state, and that is own imaginativeness.

Honing Her Talents

Honing Her Talents


Throwback To The ’50s

Atop her innate creative abilities, she was even more lucky that her family lent her a helping hand as every one of them contributed to the beautification and the transformation that their house has now. But, it was still Joyce who was the head of it all. She acted the creative director and it was her choice that was always followed from the sheets to curtains and of course, the furniture. After the Second World War, they enjoyed more freedom. The economic conditions became better and designing houses with the 50s styles increased in popularity.

Throwback To The 50’s

Throwback To The ’50s